Monday, October 26, 2009

Morgan-you ruined him for life!

Okay-I'll explain the title in a moment. First I wanted to post this cute pic of my kids with Matthew! No-Mcki doesn't have some strange disease on her face! One of her favorite activities is going to a friend's house and coming back with all sorts of washable marker art on her face. Alas-it comes off-so we don't worry about it too much.
Anyway, The kids love playing computer games with Matthew. They are games they can't play as they are for older kids, but they love watching. This picture just turned out too good not to share. Its not often that we get both of them smiling at the same time-and good smiles-not the cheeser kind!

This is our carving pumpkin night. Sophie and Morgan joined us and Uncle Morgan successfully yucked Gavin right off the table! Yup! He wouldn't even stay at the table to finish carving the pumpkin. Morgan forced him to hold some pumpkin guts in his hand and that was the end! Mcki enjoyed sawing through the pumpkins and helped cut out the bigger designs! She loves all holidays! They are going to be snowmen this year.
I have about 7 of these pics of Gavin-all with a similar face of disgust! He does not like to be dirty unless its in mud outside. He does like to light the candles to put in the pumpkins. I'll post that picture later as I took out my SD card to post these pics and don't want to stop and put it back in. I'm lazy-I know. Happy Halloween to all!


  1. We have the same marker diesase at our house. I'm glad to see it isn't just us1

  2. I love reading your fun blog! I miss seeing you all so much so it keeps me feeling closer to you! Looks like your having so much fun and I would love to see your "cabin" is better than my pine needle fort I use to build in Montana!! Ha!! See you soon but not soon enough! Give those cute grandkids of mine big hugs & kisses from their Grammie Susie!!

  3. Cute! I love the look on Gavins face! Priceless! :) I am hoping we have time to carve pumpkins at our house. It is a busy time for us, so we will see - it is one of my most favorite things to do for Halloween.
