Sunday, February 28, 2010

It's been a while

I realized that it has been a while since I have written anything. Life's been busy. My new job in Pocatello keeps me busy, which I am not used to. I get home later than I'm used to and it seems like there is something going on every night. A night to chill at home would be nice. I'm paranoid about getting enough sleep because I have to drive for 2 1/2 hours every day and I don't want to fall asleep driving. Most nights either Erica or I fall asleep putting the kids to sleep. It will take some getting used to before I can enjoy the new schedule. Living closer would help some, but it wouldn't fix the problem. I'll just have to get used to being a working stiff again.

Work is going good. I enjoy having something challenging to work on and think about. I missed that part of it. The people in the office are all good to work with. I'm still trying to get used to being in a cubicle. At my old job I shared an office with one other guy, at Keller, there is just one big room with cubicles.

I still enjoy playing in our "band" with Morgan and Devin. We don't get to play every week and so we just about forget everything we worked on the last time we played so we don't make a lot of progress but we try to keep up on the songs that we have learned. We have almost finished learning the first disc we put together and are making a list for the second one.

The other thing that is keeping me busy is church basketball. We are in the stake tournament and are one of the last three teams. For some reason the stake sports director is having us play two nights a week. I don't like having to be gone two nights a week and Erica has about had it. We have been doing really good. It is my only real source of exercise.

I haven't been on any adventures with the kids since I started working so hopefully when the ski hill closes, I will have a free day. Gavin said he wanted to go fishing last week so we'll have to try and do that.

That is all for me I guess. I've done my duty. 'Til next time.

1 comment:

  1. Matthew,
    I am so proud to have you as a son-in-law...the strength & love you have...WOW!!
    Thank you so so much for taking care of Erica and those beautiful grandchildren of mine! Your an example of how real men should be...strong, loving & spiritual. My daughter is truly blessed!
