So, Matthew got an upgrade in the vehicle department. We decided, with tax returns, that we could buy a truck. Matthew got super excited and started shopping right away. He found what he wanted.......
Its super nice. Has a lined bed, leather interior, power seat adjustment, and you can turn the stereo up on the steering wheel!! I know, most cars these days have that feature, but I've never driven one. It fits our whole family, which was a requirement. I really like it!
Our old friend, the Jimmy, was one seat too small. We have it, just trying to sell it. So, if anyone knows of someone who would like an older vehicle, send them our way. (Obviously it needs to be washed!!)
Okay-now for the bubble gum and cotton candy! Check these babies out!!
Don't they just make you want to get out and run!! Don't stare too long...It starts to hurt your eyes! I get my running shoes from a specific store in Bountiful called De Boer's. The guy that owns it is fantastic! He looks at your feet, gets you a pair of shoes, has you run on his treadmill, and then makes adjustments according to your gait. I've used the same style for the last 4 years. Nike makes new colors every year. It was either this or white with fuschia (sp?). I was tired of white and fuschia. My friend just picked these up for me this week while she was down there! I always need a new pair after I have a baby. Here's to getting my body back! With cotton candy and bubble gum.
Happy Running!
Cam the B-Ball Man
7 years ago