Sunday, March 28, 2010

Today was a good day!

So, Gavin got up incredibly early this morning. I don't know what time it was, but Jamison was up eating. I think it was around 7 am. I know that is not early to some mom's, but in our house, that is early. Anyway, he was laying in our bed and nodded off again and started dreaming. All the sudden, he throws a fit! Yes, he started to cry and waived his arm through the air stating "Kinley took my toy!!". It was awesome to see him seriously think that he was awake and McKinley was fighting with him! The down side is that this is obviously a common occurrence in our home if he is dreaming about it. McKinley will actually taunt him-take something he has put down and say "Gavin, look what I have!". Little stinker!
Today was a good Sunday. We have church at 9 am and so the rest of the day seems forever long with nothing to fill it. Today we got our bikes out and went for a short ride around our neighborhood while Jamison was asleep. McKinley got a new 'to her' bike. We got it last summer to fix her little bike. It is the next size up and Matthew fixed it up so it will work for her this year. She loves to race! Anyway, it was nice to get out and enjoy the sunshine. We also spent time dropping origami helicopters over the stairs. Over and over and over again! The kids thought it was great! Then after dinner we had our movie night. We watch a movie with popcorn and orange julius. It's one of the traditions that Matthew brought from growing up. The kids love doing this and will actually put off watching a movie during the day so they can watch one at night! McKinley colored in her Friend magazine and Gavin went home teaching with Matthew. It was a good day, just nice and peaceful.

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