Okay-So I haven't blogged for a while and I should be doing the dishes-but who wants to do the dishes? I've had several stories that I've wanted to share, so i'll tell the story with each picture. This first one is McKinley and Hannah (one of our newest cousins). It was the day after Thanksgiving and they were playing dress up! Pretty awesome looking gypsy girls! I think Mcki is going to enjoy hanging out with Hannah. She loves older girls! Thanks Hannah!
This is the only pregnancy pic i've let Matthew take this pregnancy. I don't know why-but this pregnancy has been particularly hard for me to accept the weight gain thing. I think its cause I gained 10 lbs right before getting pregnant. I also had a coworker tell me my bottom was getting big! She said it all sweet and nice-like its a good thing! Needless to say-i've had a complex. This is about 37 weeks. As for the baby-my Doctor said that he will break my water on Friday-that's right-this Friday the 11th. Hopefully things will move along nicely and I won't have to wait too long for this baby to make it's appearance into the world. I will post a blog with pictures as soon as I get home. Maybe I'll have Matthew post a blog sooner than that! Its weird knowing when you will deliver. It was like this when Gavin was born, too! I do like making arrangements ahead of time for babysitting. Thanks Sophie!
Here we see Gavin watching a movie. I just thought this was a cute picture. McKinley had the other cushion on the floor. I don't remember why they took it off-but he was just chillin like this! Cute, silly kid!
This is my brand new mini van that i've yet to post pictures of! And yes-I did this! Trust me-I felt like a complete idiot! I broke the belt in my vacuum and a friend kindly let me borrow her dyson vacuum (which I totally loved and want one for myself!). Anyway, I went to pick it up and as I was pulling in to park next to her-I hit her parked car. Yup! Don't ask me what happened. I still don't know. We had to make a claim on the insurance as it did some damage to her car as well. Not near as bad though. Our van now looks brand new, but we are $500 poorer as that is our deductible. Luckily Matthew wasn't too upset at me. So, if you notice me parked next to you and i'm 10 feet away-this is why.
I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas! We are going to limit the amount of Christmas cards we send out this year. We are going to attempt the electronic version. Anyway, please don't feel bad if you don't get a mailed Christmas card this year. I hope all is well and pray that each of you will remember the real meaning of Christmas and take time to bless someone who might not be so fortunate this year! And may God bless you and your families with everything you need!
Cam the B-Ball Man
7 years ago
I hope you punched whoever said you have a big butt! I think you look great. Welcome to the "Minivan Mama Club!"