Tuesday, March 17, 2009

So.......We really aren't good at this!

Here we are at quarter to midnight, wondering what we should blog about. We almost forgot our password! Oh well!

We have decided to distinguish between our blogging (me and Matthew) by using different fonts. See if you can guess who is who. I'm the cool one! Whatever.
Matthew's little brother, Devin, got home from his mission last week! Cute kid! He is very easy going and lovable. I'd forgotten! See sophie's blog for a picture of McKinley in a rare episode of shyness! She wouldn't even look at him or talk to him! She's okay now-a week later! It's weird to veiw life in missionary time. Garrett-the youngest Hill brother-leaves in May. He kindly pointed out that when he gets home, McKinley will be 6 (oh my gosh!) Gavin will be 4, and the new baby, whenever it comes around, will be here and who knows how old! That's just sick! I'll also be 30! Old duffer. That's just weird! I so do not feel that old! Matthew will only be 28....baby!

Otherwise, life is just busy and normal. I've been working a lot cause one of the nurses has been sick. That's okay though, Matthew hasn't been working as much, so it works out. I'm torn between him having a good, stable job and him being home with the kids. It's so much easier to go to work when I know my kids are with their dad. We did finally pin down a good babysitter, so it's not as bad now. Shout out to Sophie-who is the best aunt ever-who helped me and saved me a lot of stress during her week of surrogate motherhood. Of course, if his job was stable then I wouldn't be working this much-so it's a toss up. It's been good for the kids to have some Daddy time. I think every daddy should be a stay at home daddy some time in their life.

I guess that's it for now. Matthew didn't have much to say-he's always like that. He did post the first blog though, and he started this thing! I shall show off my mad blogging skills at a later time. Keep checking back for some of my work. You won't be disappointed. Yes, I just said that, Erica.

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