Friday, March 27, 2009

Ready for spring!

Spring made an appearance last weekend and then it disappeared again. I took the kids outside and all of the kids that live in neighboring buildings came out and they were all playing outside. It was so nice! It makes it rough when it gets cold and snows some more. This week is not looking too good either.

I don't get real sick that often but when I do its a doozy. I couldn't hardly function yesterday morning when I woke up. I had a headache and then every time I coughed it felt like my head was going to explode. I was dizzy when I stood up and eating made me a little nauseous. It was not a good day. Devin and Garrett came in the afternoon to help me out. It was sure nice of them.

I am also a little jealous of Morgan and Sophie. The live quite the nomadic life. It would be nice to be able to take off a week of work and go to Moab and then on down to Phoenix. We've always either been in school or working and it's tough for Erica to get off that much time at a nursing job. We've never really taken a trip anywhere. We had considered going to Hawaii this spring until things got so slow at my work we decided against it. We kind of lost our drive after that. We need to sit down and think of somewhere to go. If anyone would like to volunteer to watch our kids while we are gone just let us know! :)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Matthew,

    We would love to babysit your children while you go on vacation. Also, we would love to go on trip with you if possible. And the key to being a nomad (besides having zilch in the responsibility column...) is just plan it enough ahead. If you're doing it far enough in advance then it usually works out. Plus the anticipation is delightful!

    Sophie and Morgan
