Thursday, August 13, 2009

Speaking of Wonder Kids....

For those who don't know-and I'm terribly sorry that you have to read this news on a blog site-I'm expecting our third wonder child. We are extremely scared about this one as they will officially have us outnumbered. Luckily-Gavin is a fairly obedient child-so will teach him how to make mischief when we can't stop them. She's a good teacher.
Anyway-we are expecting a baby in December. The doctors say the 17th, I say the 5th. The ultra sound tech says she is 97% sure it's a boy. Apparently there is too much going on down south to be a little girl. I was a little disappointed, not that we are having another boy-but with the pictures. Both our others have been extremely clear. Maybe there wasn't enough gel, or their machines aren't as nice. Who knows. I'm just glad they have the technology to figure it out before hand. I'm not good with surprises. In fact-I despise them!
Here are some of the not so clear pictures.

This is the 97% sure picture. I suppose she is right. There really is too much going on. I always say "supposed to be" anyway. There's always that 3%.

I'm always fasicnated with pictures of the spine. It's usually one of the clearest pics they get. It makes you realize how cramped they really are in that tiny space. No wonder expecting mothers always have to go to the bathroom-they have this tiny human jumping all over right on the bladder!

It's always reassuring to hear that little heart beat pumping along. Especially before they start moving a lot. I tell you-especially working in the health care field-it is a miracle that life is created as it is. The way these little creatures form and grow all on their own. The science of it is mind boggling-so much that the scientist still haven't figured it completely out. Makes me a little excited for the time I'll be able to use all my brain-not just 10%!
Anyhow-I apologize again for those of you who are reading this that I probably should have told i in person, or over the phone. I've hidden this one for quite a while. There are people who see me every week at church who still don't know. Well-now everyone knows. Can't hide it much longer anyway. I'm off....

Matthew here: Since I've sat here the whole time she wrote this, I get to say something too. I am excited to be a dad again. It is kind of fun. Not the whole sleeping of the floor of the hospital while the nurses step over you thing, but the snuggling a little bundle of baby. Now to share a photo from the ultrasound. After you scroll down so you can see the picture, you have to go stand a long ways away from your computer to really see it.

Doesn't it look like a guy wearing sunglasses looking to the right with his mouth open? Erica didn't believe me at first but she finally conceded. If you don't see it, you are still too close and need to back up more. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Ummm...
    I didn't see it. Sorry! Congratulations on the baby! Little boys are the best! :)
