Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This is way too much work!

So, I've been spending most of the last month preserving stuff from Janean's garden. Who needs a garden when your mother-in-law has a huge one that can feed three families! She is nice enough to share her produce and we help out when we can. Matthew thinks I'm a weirdo because I took pictures of everything we preserved. Okay-not everything-I missed the frozen raspberries, frozen peaches, and freezer corn (yum). The first two are great for making Jamba Juice!
Anyway-I thought I'd post a few pics.

We planted three rows of green beans this year because I love them! We used all the ones we did from last year. We also ate a ton of them fresh! Yum!!

Peaches are always a sticky adventure! They are so good fresh! They also look very pretty when your done! We accidentally got 9 boxes of peaches-my mother-in-law bought 5 boxes the same day my father-in-law bought his 4 boxes. Needless to say, we canned, froze, or ate them all! I'm actually starting to like half and half with my peaches. Use lots of sugar!

Zucchini was my newest adventure. I got a few over sized ones from my good friend and decided to shred them up and freeze them. Twelve bags was the final count. I'm still not sure what I'll use them for-but it was free-so.......
It's kinda nice to know our pantry is full and our deep freeze is full with Matthew's job slowing down.


  1. Zucchini bread is the favorite use that I've heard of.

  2. Ugh...
    I've been doing tons of processing, too. It makes me wonder if it is worth it or not. But it is nice to have a deep freeze that is so full I can't shut the door, and I love the seeing the "fruits of my labors" and knowing we won't starve if something happens.

    Clint planted FOUR zucchini plants a few summers ago, so I had to get creative with it. We gave all of out neighbors zucchini bread for Christmas that year! Anyway, we've grilled the zucchinis, made tons (and tons and tons) of zucchini bread (which I freeze and use as quick breakfasts on school mornings...I have a healthy recipe...), we've also made lots of zucchuni fritters and zucchini brownies. I peel and puree the zucchini for the brownies, and my kids don't even know there is zucchini in them. This year Clint only planted one plant, and it was perfect. If you want some zucchini recipes, let me know.

  3. I am so proud of you, daughter! I remember when I use to can. It was rather fun! But mostly rewarding! This day and age, it is security! Keep up the good deeds! Love you all!
