Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The results are in....

Okay, so contraindicate is a word. Erica was talking to me the other night and she was tired, and she meant to say contradict but said contraindicate instead which made it sound really funny and not like a word at all. She was right, it is a word and is used quite a bit in the health profession when something is not advisable, like taking two medications together or something like that. It just sounded really ridiculous when she said it.

Not too much is going on, work has slowed down for me this fall, so if anyone needs any engineering work done, let us know. We do civil, municipal, floodplain, onsite sewer systems, and stuff like that. I'm mostly joking about begging for work, but I do need some work to keep me out of trouble. Although not working and playing Mr. Dad is kind of fun. We have a lot of fun when I am home. I kind of enjoy it. I don't mind taking care of the house too much. I do get a little antsy when I have been inside all day though.

1 comment:

  1. After I said yes but wasn't sure, I realized that I used that word a bit in the pharmacy.
